My Experience on The Hill
I have over 28 years of experience guiding and managing policy and people in Capitol Hill. I hit the ground running working with the AAE association to get 33 pages of legislation in the Energy Policy Act of 1992 which I wrote and lobbied for.
Below is the forward written by Arthur H. Rosenfeld, PhD. for my book Guide to the Energy Policy Act of 1992. Dr. Rosenfeld saw the need for this legislation 10 years prior to it becoming real. I had a large part in getting it to happen.
I think that John Doe in India is likely to become quite concerned fairly soon, and what he will be looking for is leadership. He is not going to be impressed with ads for power cars. He is going to want to live in a society that looks after his interests, provides and, if necessary standards, so that cars become even more efficient, buildings become even more efficient, and the profit motive in our society changes to reflect environmental sand societal goals.
We have to fix profit roles so that our oil companies, our utilities, our auto makers and other companies make their profits from selling energy services, no from just selling energy alone. By thinking that the answer is energy, we will over-invest in energy supply—in oil wells, in coal mines in power plants. On the other hand, by thinking that what we want is energy services we will invest in efficient cars, efficient lighting, efficient buildings and efficient airplanes—and life will be a lot simpler.
I made these statements first in the documentary film Crisis in the Atmosphere in 1989 when this country had no clear energy policy. Since that time Congress has formulated, and the President has signed into law the most comprehensive energy policy that this country has ever had. However, the majority of this nation is not aware of it. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 is far from perfect, but for the first time a genuine attempt was made to put energy sales and energy efficiency on a level playing field. The Energy Policy Act lays the groundwork for making many of the necessary changes. This is a brave step in the right direction. Much is yet to be done. There is much work for the who nation to do, today, tomorrow and on into the next decade.Getting information out to those who can act on it so they do act on it successfully will be crucial. This book, the Guide to the Energy Policy Act of 1992, by Dan Williams and Larry Good is the first true attempt to bridge this most important gap and I salute their endeavor.
Arthur H. Rosenfeld, PhD
Director, Center for Building Science
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
My work on the act and our work on the book explaining the act in depth has helped save energy and money in various departments around the United States.
(left to right) Larry Good, Senator John Glenn, Albert Tuman, and Dan Williams
Special recognition and an international award from the Association of Energy Engineers in 1992
Washington Post Article
News letter from AEE encouraging COE and GSA to adopt CEM criteria
AEE Newsletter Summer 91
AEE Newsletter Winter 91-92
Dennis Eckart (D - Ohio House of Representatives) Introduced the Federal Energy Efficiency Act of 1991 and got our portion of the bill introduced into the Energy Policy Act of 1992.
Former Clients
Having been active on the Hill for more than 25 years I have collected a great list of clients and associates. This is a partial list of the most notables.
Majority Leaders Fund - Honorable Richard (Dick) Armey, Committee for Effective Government (Minority Leaders Fund) - Honorable Richard (Dick) Gephardt, Majority Leaders Fund (Eric Pac) Eric Cantor, Senator Roy Blunt (PAC) and Congressman Roy Blunt, Senator Chris Murphy, Congressman Larson, The Afghanistan Foundation, Mazie Hirono for Congress, United Seniors Association, Senator Rand Paul (Rand Pac),Senator Denise Kucinich for President, James Carville (Education and Information Fund to defend President William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton, Senator Edward Markey and Congressman Edward Markey (Pac), ZOA - Zionist Organization of America, MACPAC - Muslim American Caucus Pac, Congressman Steve Rothman, Muni Services (Tax Collection Subcontractor to DC),Universal American Service Corporation, Salt Lake City Olympic Committee for the 2000 Olympics, Congressional Sportsman's Association, Hawaii Law Forum Foundation, Asia Pacific American Foundation, North American Energy, Fast Health Corporation, The Capital Pulse, Alaska Forum, Frontiers of Freedom and Columbia University - Center for Science Policy and Outcomes, Michael Crow Vice Provost Columbia University.